Psychological Testing
Honestly Olive is committed to treating the entire individual across the lifespan. We offer a complete psychological evaluation via testing for learning disabilities and ADHD. Testing includes administration, evaluation of results, report preparation, and a feedback session. Administration includes administering tests to evaluate the individual across the following domains: intellectual, personality, academic, emotional, and social. An individual interested in testing will complete a battery of tests as determined by the provider depending on the referral question and/or presenting problem(s). Psychological testing will take about 2-3 sessions, each session lasting between 3-4 hours, depending on the testing battery. Evaluation of the results and report preparation takes approximately 2 week. Click here to learn more about insurance and payment options.
Price: $150 per hour
Length: varies per assessment
Feedback Session
A feedback session is 60 minutes, scheduled after the report is prepared. During this session, the clinician reviews the preliminary report and encourages feedback from the client. This is also the time when questions about the report may be asked and answered. Click here to learn more about insurance and payment options.
Price: $150 per hour